Source code for rta_to_lstchain_formator.online_alt_az_dl1_maker

#!/usr/bin/env python
# S. Caroff

ONLINE analysis:
Produce online alt az from RA DEC of the pointing position

$> online_alt_az_dl1_maker
   --input-file "./dl1_5202_0_10000evt.h5"
   --RA 83.254
   --DEC 102.35

import argparse
import time
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import tables
from astropy.coordinates import AltAz, EarthLocation, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.utils import iers

from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.rta_argparse import EnumAction
from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.rta_logging import LOGGING_LEVELS, init_logging

iers.conf.auto_download = False

[docs] def online_alt_az_dl1_maker_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Add alt-az values in-place in DL1 params in a file, from RA-DEC values already in the file", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--DEC", type=float, dest="DEC", help="Declination of the telescope", default=None, required=True ) parser.add_argument( "--input-file", "-f", type=str, dest="input_file", help='DL1 file, example : "dl1_5202_0_10000evt.h5"', default=None, required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--log_file", "-l", type=Path, dest="log_file_path", help="Path to a file where this process will log its execution", ) parser.add_argument( "--log_level", type=LOGGING_LEVELS, action=EnumAction, dest="logging_level", help="Logging level: all messages with a level severity above or equal the specified level will be logged.", default=LOGGING_LEVELS.WARNING, ) parser.add_argument( "--nbins", type=int, dest="nbins", help="number of bins for the interpolation of alt az", default=10, required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--nb_tries", type=int, dest="nb_tries", help="Number of times the software will attempt to open the input file", default=20, required=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--RA", type=float, dest="RA", help="Right Ascension of the telescope", default=None, required=True ) parser.add_argument( "--timeout", type=float, dest="open_timeout", help="Time to wait between input file opening attempts", default=0.5, required=False, ) return parser
[docs] def main(): parser = online_alt_az_dl1_maker_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() init_logging( log_header_str="RTA_online_altaz_maker", log_filename=args.log_file_path, log_level=args.logging_level ) input_file = args.input_file # "dl3_LST-1.Run04190.*.fits" obs_location = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-17.891485 * u.deg, 28.761518 * u.deg, 2187 * u.m) # Failing to open a file on fefs doesn't necessarily mean we won't succeed next time ! for _ in range(args.nb_tries - 1): try: hfile = tables.open_file(input_file, mode="r+") break except Exception: print("Failed to open input file {}, re-trying in {}".format(args.input_file, args.open_timeout)) time.sleep(args.open_timeout) else: # try 1 last time, let tables error raise if failing again hfile = tables.open_file(input_file, mode="r+") Trigger_time = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001.col("trigger_time") is_good_event_table = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001.col("is_good_event") selection_mask = np.logical_and(Trigger_time < 4000000000.0, is_good_event_table > 0.5) is_good_event_table = np.multiply(selection_mask, 1) time_table = np.linspace(Trigger_time[selection_mask][0], Trigger_time[selection_mask][-1], args.nbins) pointing_coord = SkyCoord(ra=args.RA, dec=args.DEC, unit=u.deg) event_altaz = pointing_coord.transform_to( AltAz( obstime=Time(time_table, format="unix"), location=obs_location, obswl=0.35 * u.micron, relative_humidity=0.5, temperature=10 * u.deg_C, pressure=790 * u.hPa, ) ) alt_table = np.interp(Trigger_time, time_table, event_altaz.alt.rad) az_table = np.interp(Trigger_time, time_table, table = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001 table.modify_column(start=0, stop=len(alt_table), step=1, column=alt_table, colname="alt_tel") table.modify_column(start=0, stop=len(az_table), step=1, column=az_table, colname="az_tel") table.modify_column( start=0, stop=len(is_good_event_table), step=1, column=is_good_event_table, colname="is_good_event" ) table.flush() hfile.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()