Source code for rta_to_lstchain_formator.reorganizer_dl1hiperta300_stream_to_dl1lstchain063

# !/usr/bin/env python3

# Everything is hardcoded to LST telescopes - because this is just a temporal work that will no longer be used
# in the moment lstchain upgrades to V0.8

import argparse
import copy
import os
import time
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tables
from import write_table_hdf5
from astropy.table import Table, join, vstack

from rta_to_lstchain_formator.disp import disp
from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.coordinates import sky_to_camera
from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.pytables import add_column_table
from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.rta_argparse import EnumAction
from rta_to_lstchain_formator.utils.rta_logging import LOGGING_LEVELS, init_logging

[docs] def add_disp_and_mc_type_to_parameters_table(dl1_file, table_path): """ HARDCODED function obtained from `lstchain.reco.dl0_to_dl1` because `mc_alt_tel` and `mc_az_tel` are zipped within `run_array_direction`. 1. Reconstruct the disp parameters and source position from a DL1 parameters table and write the result in the file. 2. Computes mc_type from the name of the file. Parameters ---------- dl1_file: HDF5 DL1 file containing the required field in `table_path`: - mc_alt - mc_az - mc_alt_tel - mc_az_tel table_path: path to the parameters table in the file Returns ------- None """ with tables.open_file(dl1_file) as hfile: run_array_dir = copy.copy(hfile.root.simulation.run_config.col("run_array_direction")[0]) # Remember that /telescope has been moved previously focal = copy.copy(hfile.root.instrument.telescope.optics.col("equivalent_focal_length")[0]) df = pd.read_hdf(dl1_file, key=table_path) source_pos_in_camera = sky_to_camera( df.mc_alt.values * u.rad, df.mc_az.values * u.rad, focal * u.m, run_array_dir[1] * u.rad, run_array_dir[0] * u.rad, ) disp_parameters = disp(df.x.values * u.m, df.y.values * u.m, source_pos_in_camera.x, source_pos_in_camera.y) with tables.open_file(dl1_file, mode="a") as file: tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "disp_dx", disp_parameters[0].value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "disp_dy", disp_parameters[1].value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "disp_norm", disp_parameters[2].value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "disp_angle", disp_parameters[3].value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "disp_sign", disp_parameters[4]) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "src_x", source_pos_in_camera.x.value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "src_y", source_pos_in_camera.y.value) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "mc_alt_tel", np.ones(len(df)) * run_array_dir[1]) tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "mc_az_tel", np.ones(len(df)) * run_array_dir[0]) if "gamma" in dl1_file: tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "mc_type", np.zeros(len(df))) if "electron" in dl1_file: tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "mc_type", np.ones(len(df))) if "proton" in dl1_file: tab = file.root[table_path] add_column_table(tab, tables.Float32Col, "mc_type", 101 * np.ones(len(df)))
[docs] def stack_and_write_images_table(input_filename, hfile_out, node_dl1_event): """ Stack all the `tel_00X` image tables (in case they exit) and write in the v0.6 file Parameters input_filename : [str] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer node_dl1_event : Output hfile (V0.6) dl1.event node pointer """ telescope_node = node_dl1_event.telescope imag_per_tels = [Table( for table_img in telescope_node.image] image_table = vstack(imag_per_tels) for tab in telescope_node.image: hfile_out.remove_node(tab) # Todo change names of column `image_mask` to `` ?? dump_plus_copy_node_to_create_new_table( input_filename, hfile_out, image_table, hfile_out.root.dl1.event.telescope.image, newname_pointer="LST_LSTCam", tmp_name="imgsTable", )
[docs] def stack_and_write_parameters_table(input_filename, hfile_out, node_dl1_event, output_mc_table_pointer): """ Stack all the `tel_00X` parameters tables (of v0.8), change names of the columns and write the table in the V0.6 (lstchain like) format Parameters hfile_out : output File pointer node_dl1_event : Output hfile (V0.6) dl1.event node pointer output_mc_table_pointer : output subarray node pointer """ telescope_node = node_dl1_event.telescope param_per_tels = [Table( for table_param in telescope_node.parameters] parameter_table = vstack(param_per_tels) for tab in telescope_node.parameters: hfile_out.remove_node(tab) parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_intensity", "intensity") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_x", "x") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_y", "y") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_r", "r") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_phi", "phi") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_length", "length") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_width", "width") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_psi", "psi") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_skewness", "skewness") parameter_table.rename_column("hillas_kurtosis", "kurtosis") parameter_table.rename_column("timing_slope", "time_gradient") parameter_table.rename_column("timing_intercept", "intercept") parameter_table.rename_column("morphology_num_pixels", "n_pixels") parameter_table.rename_column("morphology_num_islands", "n_islands") parameter_table.add_column(np.log10(parameter_table["intensity"]), name="log_intensity") parameter_table.add_column(parameter_table["width"] / parameter_table["length"], name="wl") # Param table is indeed huge - it contains all the mc_events parameters (from v0.6 !!) too try: mc_shower_pointer = output_mc_table_pointer.mc_shower except: mc_shower_pointer = None if mc_shower_pointer is not None: mc_event_table = Table( mc_event_table.remove_column("obs_id") parameter_table = join(parameter_table, mc_event_table, keys="event_id") parameter_table.add_column(np.log10(parameter_table["mc_energy"]), name="log_mc_energy") dump_plus_copy_node_to_create_new_table( input_filename, hfile_out, parameter_table, hfile_out.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters, newname_pointer="LST_LSTCam", tmp_name="paramsTable", )
[docs] def dump_plus_copy_node_to_create_new_table( input_filename, hfile_out, astropy_table_to_copy, newparent_pointer, newname_pointer, tmp_name, overwrite=False ): """ General function to write an astropy table to a temporal file, and immediately after copy it to the output v0.6 hfile. Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer astropy_table_to_copy : astropy table to be copied newparent_pointer : newparent copy_node parameter newname_pointer : newname copy_node parameter tmp_name : [str] flag to identify the temportal table and make it unique (necessary when simultaneous reorganizers are run in the same dir) overwrite : overwrite parameter of the copy_node method """ input_filename = input_filename.split("___")[0] if tmp_name == "": flag_name = "UNKNOWN" else: flag_name = tmp_name temp_table_name = f"{input_filename}_tmp_table_reoganizer_{flag_name}.tmp_hdf5_file" write_table_hdf5(astropy_table_to_copy, temp_table_name, path="/root") temp_table = tables.open_file(temp_table_name, "r") hfile_out.copy_node( temp_table.root.root, newparent=newparent_pointer, newname=newname_pointer, overwrite=overwrite ) temp_table.close() os.remove(temp_table_name)
[docs] def rename_mc_shower_colnames(input_filename, hfile_out, event_node, output_mc_table_pointer): """ Rename column names of the `mc_shower` table and dump the table to the v0.6 output hfile. Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name hfile_out : output File pointer event_node : root.dl1.event node (of output hfile, so V0.6) output_mc_table_pointer : output subarray node pointer """ mc_shower_table = Table( mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_energy", "mc_energy") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_alt", "mc_alt") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_az", "mc_az") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_core_x", "mc_core_x") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_core_y", "mc_core_y") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_h_first_int", "mc_h_first_int") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_x_max", "mc_x_max") mc_shower_table.rename_column("true_shower_primary_id", "mc_shower_primary_id") dump_plus_copy_node_to_create_new_table( input_filename, hfile_out, mc_shower_table, output_mc_table_pointer, newname_pointer="mc_shower", tmp_name="mcShowerTable", overwrite=True, )
[docs] def create_hfile_out(input_filename, outfile_name, sim_pointer08, config_pointer08, dl1_pointer08, filter_pointer08): """ Create output hfile (lstchainv0.6 like hdf5 file) Parameters input_filename : [ste] input hfile name outfile_name : [str] output hfile name sim_pointer08 : dl1-file_v0.8_simulation pointer config_pointer08 : dl1-file_v.08_configuration pointer dl1_pointer08 : dl1-file_v0.8_dl1 pointer filter_pointer08 : dl1-file_v0.8 filters pointer """ hfile_out = tables.open_file(outfile_name, "w") hfile_out.create_group("/", "simulation") hfile_out.create_group("/", "dl1") if sim_pointer08 is not None: # Simulation node V0.6 # /simulation (Group) 'Simulation information of the run' # children := ['mc_event' (Table), 'run_config' (Table), 'thrown_event_distribution' (Table)] hfile_out.copy_node( sim_pointer08.service.shower_distribution, newparent=hfile_out.root.simulation, newname="thrown_event_distribution", recursive=True, filters=filter_pointer08, ) hfile_out.copy_node(, newparent=hfile_out.root.simulation, newname="run_config", recursive=True, filters=filter_pointer08, ) # Instrument node V0.6 # --instrument (Group) # +--telescope (Group) # | +--camera (Group) # +--readout_LSTCam --> copied free, it can be erase. # +--geometry_LSTCAM --> To be renamed to LSTCam # | `--optics (Table) # `--subarray (Group) # `--layout (Table) configuration_node = hfile_out.copy_node( config_pointer08, newparent=hfile_out.root, recursive=True, filters=filter_pointer08 ) hfile_out.rename_node(, newname="geometry_0") hfile_out.rename_node(, newname="readout_0") # dl1 node V0.6 # +--dl1 (Group) # `--event (Group) # +--telescope (Group) # +--image (Group) # `--parameters (Group) # `--subarray (Group) # +--mc_shower (Table) # `--trigger (Table) dl1_event_node06 = hfile_out.copy_node( dl1_pointer08.event, newparent=hfile_out.root.dl1, recursive=True, filters=filter_pointer08 ) # This will only happen on ctapipe, not RTA # hfile_out.remove_node(dl1_event_node06.telescope.trigger) # Table stored twice, remove to avoid problems. try: hfile_out.rename_node(dl1_event_node06.telescope.images, newname="image") except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError as e: print( f" ** {e} Exception: No images group in the file in dl1/event/telescope/. \n" f" Check the merging configuration, indeed." ) try: subarray_pointer = hfile_out.root.dl1.event.subarray # root.dl1.event.subarray.trigger except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError as e: print(f" ** {e} Exception: No subarray pointer in dl1/event.") subarray_pointer = None if sim_pointer08 is not None: hfile_out.copy_node( sim_pointer08.event.subarray.shower, newparent=subarray_pointer, newname="mc_shower", recursive=True, filters=filter_pointer08, ) if subarray_pointer is not None and sim_pointer08 is not None: rename_mc_shower_colnames(input_filename, hfile_out, dl1_event_node06, subarray_pointer) stack_and_write_parameters_table(input_filename, hfile_out, dl1_event_node06, subarray_pointer) if "image" in dl1_event_node06.telescope: stack_and_write_images_table(input_filename, hfile_out, dl1_event_node06) hfile_out.close()
[docs] def reorganizer_dl1hiperta_stream_to_dl1lstchain063(infile, outfile, nb_tries=100, timeout=0.1): """Main function to run the reorganiser""" for i in range(nb_tries): try: hfile = tables.open_file(infile, "r") break except Exception as e: time.sleep(timeout) print("retry " + str(i)) else: # try 1 last time, let tables error raise if failing hfile = tables.open_file(infile, "r") # dl1 v0.8 Pointers try: simulation_v08 = hfile.root.simulation except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError as e: print(f" ** {e} exception: No Simulation group found in the root group of the file.") simulation_v08 = None configuration_v08 = hfile.root.configuration dl1_v08 = hfile.root.dl1 filter_v08 = hfile.filters create_hfile_out(infile, outfile, simulation_v08, configuration_v08, dl1_v08, filter_v08) # Add disp_* and mc_type to the parameters table. if simulation_v08 is not None: add_disp_and_mc_type_to_parameters_table(outfile, "dl1/event/telescope/parameters/LST_LSTCam") hfile.close()
[docs] def reorganiser_dl1hiperta300_stream_to_dl1lstchain063_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Re-organize the dl1 `standard` output file from either the " "hiptecta_r1_to_dl1 or hiperta_r1_dl1 to the lstchain DL1 structure", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--infile", "-i", type=str, dest="infile", help="dl1 output file of `hiperta_r0_dl1` to be converted to dl1lstchain_v060", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "--log_file", "-l", type=Path, dest="log_file_path", help="Path to a file where this process will log its execution", ) parser.add_argument( "--log_level", type=LOGGING_LEVELS, action=EnumAction, dest="logging_level", help="Logging level: all messages with a level severity above or equal the specified level will be logged.", default=LOGGING_LEVELS.WARNING, ) parser.add_argument( "--nb-file-open-tries", "-n", type=int, dest="nb_file_tries", help="Number of time the script should try to open a file (which can fail due to filesystem)", default=100, ) parser.add_argument( "--open-file-timeout", "-t", type=float, dest="file_open_timeout", help="Time to wait between two attempts opening a file, in second", default=0.1, ) parser.add_argument( "--outfile", "-o", type=str, dest="outfile", help="Output filename. dl1_reorganized.h5 by default.", default="./dl1v0.6_reorganized.h5", ) return parser
[docs] def main(): """ Conversion from dl1 data model (ctapipe and hiper(CTA)RTA) data model, and convert it to lstchain_v0.6 data mode. """ parser = reorganiser_dl1hiperta300_stream_to_dl1lstchain063_arg_parser() args = parser.parse_args() init_logging(log_header_str="RTA_reorganiser", log_filename=args.log_file_path, log_level=args.logging_level) reorganizer_dl1hiperta_stream_to_dl1lstchain063( args.infile, args.outfile, args.nb_file_tries, args.file_open_timeout )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()